Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Favorite Movies

Here's a list of my favorite movies. Actually it's just the first 20, but I have composed a list of my top 65 favorites, so I'll share them with you a little at a time. Here's the link to the list:

My Top 20 Favorite Movies

Thanks for reading and enjoy!
PS- If you haven't seen some of these movies, I suggest that you see them. They're all masterpieces!

Also-- if you're interested in seeing a full-length list of my favorite movies, please view the Movie tab at the top of my page. :)

This is a Norman Rockwell painting called "The Movie Star." I thought it was fitting for this blog post.


  1. Those are 20 great choices. My list would have to include Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House, The Flight of the Phoenix, Casablanca, and The Maltese Falcon. And maybe A Christmas Story. Gosh, there are so many. My list would probably have to be about 40. Good choices, though. Love all of them. Oh, and The Sting.

  2. I actually have a longer list of movies in my movies tab at the top of the screen. And thanks for your feedback!

    I will have to revise my list because I TOTALLY forgot to put Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House on it. I absolutely love that movie! The Sting, also, is really great. The choice to put Scott Joplin in it was perfect. :)
