Saturday, May 7, 2011

Long time, no post!

Wow! Has it really been a month since I last posted? Sorry about that, folks. But now, I'm back and posting again! :)
First of all, I saw the movie American Graffiti. The movie highlights the last night in a small town of a group of teenagers before some of them are going off to college in 1962 (Hence the catchphrase, "Where were you in '62?"). At any rate, that movie was absolutely splendid. The music is superb (if you go to basically any 50's-themed place, they'll most likely be playing the soundtrack) and it truly is an accurate representation of growing up in the 50's and early 60's.

The other day, I watched The King's Speech for the second time. This time, though, I saw it with my dad and he thought (and I quote) that the movie, "was excellent!" So, if you haven't seen that movie yet, I highly advise you do so.

Yesterday, with nothing else to do, I watched the movie The Bad Seed. I thought it was really good, and it had an intriguing plot and neat characters. However, the ending ruined it for me. If you scroll down a bit, I'll reveal the ending to you.

Be warned! Here be spoilers...

So. The little girl, Rhoda, went to the dock where she killed the little boy Claude for his Spelling medal. Her mother had apparently thrown it back into the water (or something along those lines) so Rhoda took a net (like one to draw leaves from a pool) and began to search for it. All of this is happening during a lightning storm, and all of a sudden, lightning hits the dock and it collapses underwater, taking Rhoda down with it. Ummm.... how anticlimactic is that?

What's more, after that scene, the actors are introduced. Second-to-last is Patty McCormack, who played Rhoda, and after her is Nancy Kelly, who plays her mother, Christine. Suddenly, Christine slings Rhoda onto her knee and begins to spank her and that's the end of the movie.

Personally, I didn't like it one bit. But to each his own! So if you want to watch it, it's available on Netflix for instant streaming to either your computer or Wii.

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